Pre-order my new book, “How To Be A Small College” Now:

How to be a small college is a practical book.  It draws on observations about how colleges and communities work today, to offer clear guidance to people who want their small colleges to flourish.  Much of the guidance is counter-cultural:

Small colleges shouldn’t copy what large universities do.

  • Small colleges must, instead, focus and be local.

  • Doing so requires that they take work seriously, that they support different modes of leadership, and that they let their weaknesses become their strengths.

  • Only by embracing their small nature can they spark a renaissance for small colleges and a renewal of the communities they serve.

Order my book, “Speak almost nothing: Watching the everyday liturgy”

Sometimes few words tell stories that would be diminished by many worlds. Aphorisms, koans, proverbs, and parables all show this truth.  So do people who, having experienced real pain or real beauty, find it best to say little, but not nothing about it.  Speak almost nothing contains small stories of encounters with holiness in the day-to-day world. They are examples of the liturgy all around us, if we would only see it.

Contact me at to order a copy.